Isolation Systems Inc. offers a complete line of Fine Powder
Containment and Extraction Equipment as well as Process Specific Engineered Systems. Our Extraction and Containment Booths provide the highest levels of operator protection within a safe work zone within the booth enclosure. Providing safe operator breathing zone up to 84” from rear intake plenum wall of booth enclosure. These booths are available as recirculating or single pass configurations with double or triple integrated filtration systems. Pre-filtration is provided by 95% ashrae pleated filters, Final filtration is provided by high volume HEPA 99.99% eff at .3 microns or ULPA 99.9995% eff @ .12 microns. Supply /Downflow filtration is 99.99% HEPA. All filter seals to housings are Knife Edge to Gel Seal to prevent air bypass. Low and mid wall dampered air intake grilles assure total capture of migratory particulates and truly direct down flow supply air over operator breathing zone and product.
For small batch sampling and transfer applications our Negative Pressure Class 100 Down Flow and Reverse Horizontal
Flow Containment Hoods provide equal operator protection levels.
All Isolation Systems equipment is manufactured of 304 or 316L Stainless Steel and is available in the full spectrum of finishes. We also offer our equipment in mild steel with bonderized polyurethane or electro statically applied epoxy coating.
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