Another Top Workplace Award for Anguil!

Press Release from Anguil Environmental Systems

We are pleased to announce that Anguil Environmental has again been recognized as a Top Workplace in Southeastern Wisconsin. Over 3,000 companies competed for this award and Anguil was one of the 150 selected.  Winners are based solely upon feedback from employee surveys.  

At an awards breakfast in on April 28th, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel announced that Anguil took the 26th spot in the small business category with 149 employees or less.  The complete list of winners can be found on along with a company profile on Anguil.     

"After being named a Top Workplace in 2013 and 2014 but missing that distinction the last couple years, we took a good look at our culture and what had recently changed in our organization.  Through feedback from our employees via internal surveys, we listened and addressed what they felt were shortcomings at Anguil.  We then revamped our sustainability plan, expanded our wellness program, and modified some of our internal processes to improve our working environment.  This led not only to happier employees but also increased our customer satisfaction.  On behalf of the ownership of Anguil, I am extremely pleased to again be recognized as a Top Workplace." said Chris Anguil, President of Anguil Environmental.    

In addition to being selected, Jim Schmid of the Journal Sentinel interviewed Kevin Summ, Director of Marketing at Anguil.  The editorial, entitled Skilled trades, globally savvy workers are in high demand, focused on the company's employment achievements in the global marketplace.      

See what it is like to be an Anguil Employee.

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