Garvey Corp

208 S Route 73
Blue Anchor, NJ 08037-9565

About Garvey Corp

Having trouble feeding tiny vials to fillers, cappers, encoders, and labelers? The Garvey Rx line of products is the prescription for your success.

Small vial handling and single filing have long been problematic in the pharmaceutical industry. Garvey Corporation’s Rx accumulators, conveyors, and rotary replacements solve this problem and do so with zero backpressure. Now even 2ml, 15mm “squeaky-clean” glass vials can be accumulated and single filed at rates of 800+ vials per minute.

Our latest addition to the Rx line is the Automatic Vial Dryer.Doing exactly what the name suggests in minutes instead of what used to take hours, or even days before.

Garvey Corporation, a leader in product handling, produces a full line of conveyors, accumulators, and custom-designed systems to meet unique customer needs.

The Infinity Series Rx is covered by one or more of the following patents - US Patent #6,575,287; 6,612,425; 6,612,417; 6,648,124; 6,959,802; 6,964,329

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