
12076 Santa Fe Drive
Lenexa, KS 66215-3594

About Remel

REMEL is a global leader in a wide range of trusted laboratory products for both clinical and industrial applications. Our continued success is a testament to our passionate attention to quality and dedication to customer service. We look forward to supplying both of them to you in addition to our full-line of products.

Competitors of Remel

bioMérieux, Inc.

bioMérieux develops tests that bring high medical value for clinical decisions in the areas of infectious diseases, cardiovascular emergencies and targeted cancers. In industrial applications, we contribute to preventing contamination risks in agri-food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. We... Read More

Alfa Laval has an extensive offering of components and solutions that are specifically suited to the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. They are complemented by additional process solutions, such as our industry-leading separation systems and state-of-the-art plate reactor modules. Read More

SciLog , Inc.

The SciLog Family of sensing solutions has been designed with bioprocessing applications in mind. Each sensor arrives pre-calibrated for simple plug and play operation. Once installed, our sensors operate reliably throughout the length of your process run: 3 days or 300 days. And with their... Read More

Products by Remel

By Remel

We are setting industry standards by offering an extensive line of Contact and Settling Plates to meet your environmental testing needs. Both irradiated and non-irradiated media are available, allowing you to select the level of sterility assurance you need to monitor surfaces, air, and... Read more »

By Remel

Quanti-Cult® products contain Quality Control organisms in a ready-to-use (<100 CFU) format, saving you time, money, and reducing your procedure time from 2-3 days to 15 minutes. Preserved American Type Culture Collection (ATCC®) strains are provided as a film inside the vial cap on a plastic... Read more »