The Hydra IIAA delivers both performance and productivity. Its low, 1 ppt detection limits, fast sample throughput and high capacity, 270-position autosampler will enhance the productivity of any laboratory involved with mercury analysis. The Hydra IIAA incorporates new software which brings unprecedented performance and productivity to mercury analysis all within a user-friendly graphical interface. This intuitive software automates the analytical process from Method Development to Final Report Generation. Help is provided in the software including scheduled maintenance and audio/visual tutorials.
The Hydra IIAA also has the ability to be upgraded to direct solids analysis. This instrument’s ability to perform high throughput liquids analysis as well as direct solid sample analysis provides additional versatility to many of today’s labs.
The Hydra IIAA Automated Mercury Analyzer
Wide Dynamic Range
Over-Range Protection
High Capacity Autosampler
Custom Racks for QC
Direct Analysis Option
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