BIOVIA KnowledgeNet

Available from Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA
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Rounding out the power of BIOVIA Discoverant is its ability to disseminate data and BIOVIA InVision analysis results for use in standard management reports, dashboards, report applications, and other third-party tools.

KnowledgeNet has four components:

1. The Signal Monitoring Dashboard facilitates red light/green light monitoring of a process, product, or site based on the status of Critical Process Parameters and Quality Attributes. Combining BIOVIA Discoverant’s automated alerting, risk management analysis and automated rules processing, Signal Monitoring allows users to communicate process or product status throughout the organization.

2. Results Manager exposes output files from BIOVIA Discoverant Result Methods through URLs, which allows reports to be included in dashboards. The browser-based Results Manager allows users to control access to their Result Method output files.

3. ODBC for Analysis Groups provides a database driver that exposes Analysis Group data through virtual tables. Third-party tools such as dashboard widgets and report applications may access BIOVIA Discoverant Analysis Group data using standard SQL queries.

4. Similar to the ODBC interface, Web Services for Analysis Groups provides a collection of RESTful web services that expose Analysis Group data for third-party tools that can consume web services.

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