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Jaygo carries a full line of pressure vessel clamps or manway clamps designed to work with ASME code pressure vessels. Our quick release pressure vessel clamps eliminate the need to drill holes in the flange of the vessel, eliminating the stress concentrations at the bolt holes. Eliminating these stresses allows the flange to be thinner while providing the same closing strength.
Modern clamps are designed for compliance with all applicable ASME section VIII safety requirements and are approved for use by all major insurance companies. Not only do our quick release clamps save time and money in the design and fabrication of the vessel, they drastically reduce the time required to open and close the vessel, providing continual labor savings. At Jaygo, we specialize in customized solutions that help our clients increase safety and efficiency in their processing operations.
Our quick release pressure clamps are ideally suited for reactor vessels, pressure vessels, vacuum vessels, pressurized filter housings, mix vessels, Nutsche filters, centrifuges, and manways.
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