Fike offers some of the most advanced control systems available in today’s explosion protection market. Fike’s detection and control Systems are pre-configured to recognize danger signs and make important decisions about when to activate explosion isolation and/or explosion suppression systems, effectively preventing an explosion from damaging your equipment and facility.
Our control systems not only tell you where the trouble is, they tell you what the problem is and when it happened.
Fike’s exclusive bus technology communicates system status, activates system protection, and allows for remote access. Fike’s exclusive EPWorks™ software reports system status, pressure readings, and pre/post system activation history in easily understandable graphs.
Though sophisticated, its modular design, small size, global compatibility and pre-configured set-ups make Fike’s control systems both flexible and easy-to-use.
Solutions include:
Annunciator Module (AM): command/communication central with complete history retrieval function
Relay Card (RC8): relays for process equipment interface, allowing the system to discriminate between critical and non-critical trouble conditions
Ceramic Detector: detection that is virtually invulnerable to damage and false activation
Explosion Protection Controller (EPC): offers multiple hazard protection, and activation pressure and status/event history
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