Jiangmen Special Tanks Equipment Factory

Duruan Industrial Zone
Jiangmen City, Guangdong 529000

About Jiangmen Special Tanks Equipment Factory

Jiangmen Special Tanks Equipment Factory (JSTEF) is a leading manufacturer that specialize in designing and manufacturing various of special pressure tanks, frac tanks, oilfield tanks, chemical tanks and equipments with over 30 years experience from China. Our smooth-walled and fully-loaded frac tanks are specially designed to be shipped and stacked as standard containers, so you can save much money on the shipping costs. All of our frac tanks are built with the highest quality carbon steel and each structural component is fabricated and welded with the latest welding techniques. We focus on small details to ensure you are getting a very high quality product. Basing on outstanding design, highest quality and very competitive price, our frac tanks have been exported to many countries including USA, Australia, Europe, South & Middle America, and some other Asian countries. Please browse our website.

Competitors of Jiangmen Special Tanks Equipment Factory

Jaygo, Inc.

Jaygo is a supplier of high quality mixers, blenders, dryers, and specialty equipment for the pharmaceutical, fine chemical, chemical, cosmetic, and health care industries. Products include Conical Screw Processors, Double Arm Sigma Blade Mixers, Double Arm Mixer Extruders, Double Planetary... Read More

Festo Corporation

Festo is a leading global manufacturer of pneumatic and electromechanical systems, components and controls for process control and factory automation solutions, with more than 55 national headquarters serving more than 180 countries. Read More

Pope Scientific Inc

Equipment and technology for distillation equipment, wiped film short path molecular stills and evaporators, batch and continuous fractional stills. reactors, vessels, turnkey processing systems nutsche filter dryers. Offering contract toll processing, pilot scale process development and lab... Read More