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1.Cheminert injectors and switching valves for LC, FIA, HPLC, UHPLC, and prep HPLC, plus low pressure and high pressure selectors.
2.Valco injectors and switching valves for GC, HPLC, and prep HPLC, plus low pressure and high pressure selectors.
3.Cheminert fittings: High pressure PEEK and low pressure polymeric fittings – nuts, tube end fittings, unions, connectors, adapters, and FIA fittings. The newest additions are for direct connection of 360 µm OD tubing.
4.Valco fittings: high pressure metal fittings – nuts, ferrules, fittings for fused silica, unions, connectors, adapters, column end fittings, and more.
5.Actuators and accessories: Pneumatic and electric actuators for valve automation, plus a variety of controllers, interfaces, mounting hardware, and accessories.
6.Flow/pressure controllers:stainless steel needle valves, our combination on/off needle valves, high pressure prime/purge and on/off valves, pressure regulators, and flow controllers.
7.Gas purifiers:Contaminant traps and purifiers.
8.Liquid handling: Injectors, switching valves, and selectors in several styles, a syringe-free pump, fittings, specialized syringes, and more.
9. Tubing:Tubing of electroformed nickel tubing (EfNI), stainless, and various polymers in pre-cut and custom lengths. We offer 360 micron OD tubing in EfNI and PEEK.
10.Syringes:Pressure-Lok® syringes for Valco, Cheminert, and Rheodyne HPLC injectors, autosampler syringes.
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