Brookfield Engineering recommends that you return your instrument to Brookfield or an authorized dealer on an annual basis for our Calibration and Certification Service. Please call for a Return Authorization Number.
Special Arrangements
Loan instruments are available should you need a temporary replacements while your instrument is in for service. Contract Brookfield or an authorized dealer.
Twenty-Four and 48hour rush service can be arranged. Call for details.
Ball Bearing Retrofit for RV/HA/HB torque range on DV-I Prime, DV-II+ or Pro and DV-III+ or Ultra
Special Instrument Testing Per Customer Specification
When sending your instrument to Brookfield for the Calibration and Certification Service, there may be additional tests that you would like Brookfield to perform. One example is a calibration check using a viscosity standard fluid similar to the one you use in your laboratory. This testing can be requested when the instrument is returned to Brookfield. Complete test results will be included with the instrument when you receive it back at your facility. Our standard hourly rate for lab services will apply.
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