Power Monitors, Inc. is an industry-leading product design and manufacturing firm based in Mt. Crawford, Virginia. We specialize in applying advanced technologies to develop state-of-the-art power quality recording solutions for residential, commercial, retail, institutional, industrial, and... Read More
Fike Corporation is a global team of experienced professionals dedicated to life and business safety. Fike is the experienced, trusted expert in rupture disc technologies, explosion protection equipment, facility monitoring systems, overpressure sensors, fire alarm systems, fire control systems... Read More
Augury helps eliminate downtime, reduce maintenance costs and maximize productivity for critical machines in industrial and commercial applications, ranging from bottling and food processing to paper products and pharmaceuticals. Augury’s machine health solutions combine advanced sensors with... Read More
Keeping track of laboratory equipment and samples can be a chore. Monitoring for unauthorized access ensures that valuable equipment stays put and that testing procedures aren’t compromised. Samples and reagents must remain within the proper temperature and humidity ranges to ensure testing... Read more »
ICARE wireless temperature sensors use a thermistor to accurately measure temperatures. These sensors are perfect for monitoring ambient temperatures around the sensors physical location. User customization allows you to set the frequency of readings and the ability to set thresholds for alerts... Read more »
ICARE wireless open/closed sensors provide information on the status of doors, windows, cabinets, etc. Know if a building or area is being accessed when it should not be, or if a door or window has been left open. Alerts can be setup to notify a user by SMS text, email or voice call if a door or... Read more »