It is our mission to be the most trusted partner in science for our customers, suppliers, and associates. Laboratory supplies - Diagnostic solutions - Cleanroom solutions - Biological manufacturing - Forensic products - Industrial Cannabis equipment - Clinical products - Measurement...
We began in 1991, buying and selling high-quality, reasonably priced new, used and reconditioned Process and Packaging equipment for the Pharmaceutical, Vitamin, Food and Confectionery industries. Helping our customers find the right equipment at the right price, has resulted in the growth and...
TE-DPV® Asphalt Thermoelectric Rotational Paddle Viscometer: ASTM D7226, ASTM D2397, ASTM D977 and AASHTO TP 121 (T 382)
For Dynamic Viscosity of Non-Homogenous Materials Including Emulsified Asphalts
TE-DPV® is an automated, thermoelectrically cooled rotational digital paddle viscometer for measuring the dynamic viscosity of emulsified asphalts, marine...
Learn more about TE-DPV® Asphalt Thermoelectric Rotational Paddle Viscometer
YR-1 Yield Rheometer a low-cost QC tool to enhance material characterization: The YR-1 is a revolutionary, simple-to-use, low-cost alternative to complicated, full-featured laboratory rheometers.It's designed to be used right on the production floor by your technicians. Simply select a test, lower the vane spindle into the product, press GO, and the instrument displays...
Learn more about YR-1 Yield Rheometer a low-cost QC tool to enhance material characterization
Freeman Technology, a Micromeritics company, provides systems for the measurement of powder flow properties. With a strong process focus and significant commitment to R&D and applications development, the company provides comprehensive support alongside its range of products. Expert teams guide...
TTC offers the TA.XTPlus instrument for measuring tablet hardness, gels, transdermal adhesives, creams and ointments. Also powder flowability and compation and resiliance. Software CFR 21 Part 11 compliant. Used in R&D and production
Caleva MTR: The Caleva Mixer Torque Rheometer provides a quick and easy way to quantitatively measure a wet mass in terms of the torque produced when shearing the wet mass within a mixing bowl.
The MTR has applications for research, formulation/process development and process scale up studies. The MTR is...
Learn more about Caleva MTR
C.W. Brabender® Instruments, Inc. offers a complete line of testing instruments and processing equipment for the plastics and pharmaceutical industry. The state-of-the-art Intelli-Torque or ATR Plasti-Corder® torque rheometer with mixer attachments are ideal for determining flow characteristics...